Kiosk Machines - A Successful implementation of IoT

The Internet of Things is advancing so fast that the humans are unknowingly adapting themselves to this technology. In our daily lives we come across lots of IoT devices. One of such device is the 'Kiosk Machine'.

What is a Kiosk Machine?

A kiosk machine is a stand-alone device that performs complex tasks in a simple way through automation with less human intervention.  

Why do we need Kiosk machines?

Generally in public places which involves people queueing, tasks such as getting token numbers, passbook printing, cash deposits, cash withdrawal in banks, ordering food at a restaurant, checking for booking confirmation at an airport, railway station, bus station or multiplexes, checking floor maps in a shopping mall and many more requires human intervention for completion which is very much time consuming.  Since, the world nowadays needs ease of access to complete the tasks at most of the places, kiosks were introduced. This automates these complex tasks and reduces human efforts there by, providing better user experience.

Anatomy of Kiosk Machines?

Kiosk machine has most of the common parts as found in a basic computer system. It consists of a CPU, Hard Disk and RAM along with some specific hardware for efficient performance such as RFID, sensors and peripherals. 4 kinds of software such as 
  1. Security software to prevent cyber attacks and threats.
  2. Application software to provide business logic and better user experience. 
  3. Management software to offer technical support in case of issue with software.
  4. OS software to provide basic set of tools to run hardware applications in case of reboot.
 Use cases of Kiosk Machines : 

1. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) : The type of kiosk machine used here is known as interactive kiosk. These kiosks are generally used in banks for cash withdrawal, checking balance as well as to deposit cash. Apart from ATM's, banks also use other kiosk machines known as ticketing kiosk machine to generate random tokens to customers in order to have faster and effective transactions and better experience.
2. Supermarkets : 

Supermarkets use kiosk machine known as self-service kiosk. This kind of kiosk makes users pay the bills by scanning the products themselves which they have selected to buy and so he\she can avoid queue for billing at the checkout line. However, this can be convenient only if the customer has very less item to buy with card or payment through QR Code. The kiosk used here will have a touch screen monitor and a scanner to scan the items.

3. Shopping malls : 

The kiosk machine is similar to those used in supermarkets but with an additional feature. The visitor can get floor map or the complete shopping mall's floor chart. so that visitors can get easily find the desired destination. The kiosk machines are also used in play area of shopping malls where fun tickets and coupons are obtained after a game has won by a visitor.  

4. Airlines/Airports : 

Airports have kiosk machines to help passengers to check-in, check the status of flights, confirm their tickets and even check for up-coming flights. This helps customers to complete the flight verification process quickly.
Conclusion : 

In this digitally advancing world, invention of kiosk machine has made a major impact on businesses, helping them improve the branding and overall effective customer satisfaction. It also provides marketing benefits to companies by providing interactive user experience. 
